Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Yes I do like really thin pancakes.

I am sitting in a cafe in Arles where we just has hot dogs on baguettes and chocolate filled crepes (or really thin pancakes), trying to update on the last couple of days.

Monaco was great. We got to walk around and see Princess Grace's tomb, the starting line for the Monaco Grand Prix, Prince Albert's palace, and of course the casinos in Monte Carlo. We each went with 20 euros and expecting to lose it. Adrian had no problem losing hers quickly while I was able to come away with 34 so all in all we only lost 6 euros. The lights of Monaco were beautiful as well as the really expensive cars that were parked in front of the old casino. I think Adrian could have stayed there for hours.

The next day we slept in a bit and spent the day on our own. We walked to the contemporary art museum in Nice to find that it was closed on Mondays. So we took a walk around old town and stopped by the beach to jump in the Mediterranean. We didn't stay on the beach very long because it is a stone beach and not a sand beach. Instead we spent a nice relaxing afternoon at the hotel's pool and solarium on the top floor. It had a beautiful view of the coast line. Adrian likened it to being on the top of a cruise ship without all the wind. The quote of the day from Adrian "I never realized how much seeing bathing suit tops make a difference when determining if some people are male or female...". She said this as we were walking down the Nice beaches where tops are optional.

That night we had a really nice French dinner in the old town area near our hotel. Today we left Nice and headed to Barcelona with a stop in Arles. I just found out that thanks to some of Adrian's business contacts we will be going to the Barcelona Champions league soccer game on Wednesday evening with a 100,000+ crazy soccer fans. More on that from Spain.

Au revoire!

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