Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rome to Venice travel day

This will be a short post since its time for bed. First, our dinner yesterday was incredible. We went to a restaurant near our hotel and loved every bite.

We got up early this morning to head to Venice. It was a long bus drive but apparently we made good time because we made a stop by the historic distric of Venice before heading to our hotel, which was not in the original plan. We took the attached picture on one of the many bridges and bought a few things. We also enjoyed a couple of great gellatos on our walk. After some negotiating we picked up a purse for Adrian and headed back to the bus.

Our hotel is outside of the historic Venice town center so we had our group dinner at the hotel Resaurant. After dinner we went for a walk with some people from our group and headed 1.5 miles in one direction not finding anything but some amazing homes. And now we're back in the room getting ready to fall asleep and prepare ourselves for tomorrow's day in Venice.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

ahhhhhh Venice...the ultimate romantic city...are the canals of Venice similar to the San Antonio Riverwalk?


Aunt Sheila